1. For you to read, from the page of ‘It’s A Good Day To Die’…I’ve sent it to Denise, pass it to Paul..and you can all think about it, whilst you ‘party’. I also feel very sorry for you all, for the hatred in your hearts…and I can assure you that Russell Means will be greatly missed by MILLIONS around the world, no matter what you say, or do…..>>>> TO MR. PAUL DEMAIN (CEO of IndianCountry TV) AND ALL NATIVES WHO INSIST ON USING THIS DAY TO SPEAK BADLY OF MR. RUSSELL MEANS AND AIM IN MAIN STREAM PRESS RELEASES (Associate Press & Washington Post stories)… AND TO ALL THOSE IGNORANT NON-NATIVES WHO SPEAK AGAINST A MAN YOU NEVER MET AND YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND… WE SEND YOU STRONG PRAYERS OF FORGIVENESS… FOR IT IS HARD TO UNDERSTAND HOW ANYONE CAN HOLD SO MUCH HATE INSIDE THEIR HEART FOR ANOTHER HUMAN BEING WHO HAS DONE SO MUCH TO EDUCATE BY OPENING MINDS TO THE TRUTH OF HISTORY… TO HELP ORGANIZE AND LIBERATE AN ENTIRE GENERATION (both Native and non-Native)… AND MOST IMPORTANTLY TO LIFT HEARTS TO SPIRIT… WE PITY YOU… AND WE ASK SPIRIT TO TEACH YOU WHAT YOU NEED TO LEARN IN GOOD WAYS. In Spirit. <<<<<

    • Your predictability is amazing Lizzie -just moments ago I received an email from
      friend saying a response from you would be forthcoming filled with usual-and here
      you are.

      If I would not praise him in life why would I in death? That is an hypocrisy, a
      “political correctness” I will not take part in. You should bear in mind while there
      may be some quasi competition to see
      who can praise the most that you would participate in, things are what they are,
      history hasn’t changed.
      So again I echo his statements in relationship to him that he spoke in reference to
      Vernon-the very words you have attempted to minimize previously.
      When Means was asked how he felt after Vernon Bellecourt died in October 2007, Means
      said, “I said I was saddened for his passing, but I’d wanted him arrested, in prison,
      held responsible, and then he can die.”
      As I said previously I take no joy in his passing- it is what it is.
      And I am singularly unimpressed with anything coming from A good day to LIE.

  2. Lizzie, I dare you to go live on Pine Ridge and report back to us after you have basked in the glory of the liberation you say Russell left as a legacy to a generation.

    • Lizzie is one of “THOSE IGNORANT NON-NATIVES” (fortunately a minority) cited in the good day to lie quote she posted-with a missionaries zeal. I’m sure she thinks she would become Pocahontas or the equivalent and preside over tribal affairs sitting at Leonard’s side.

    • Russell spent a lot of his time trying to raise awareness of the conditions on Pine Ridge! He even started a school there so that children could be taught the ways and language of their people…an idea which should be taken up around the world. He brought people IN! He taught them, told them, SHOWED them. Pine Ridge is a HUGE scar upon America, as is the continued imprisonment of Leonard Pelter, as is the farcical and deeply insulting ‘apology’ hidden away amongst totally insignificant documents by a President that I actually *cried* over when he took Office, thinking that America was finally changing, but it has not. He has not done anywhere NEAR enough for Native Americans, he has not freed Leonard, he continues to side-step issues which he should be screaming out about. It is SHAMING that ANY Native American is hungry, homeless, sick, or addicted, because it is the ways of the White Man that has caused it ALL! And no-one, but no-one is shouting out about it, other than those within AIM and those whom THEY have brought into their Story, a Story which Russell Means spent his LIFE trying to Wake the World to! For fuck’s sake, WAKE UP!!!!!!! Get away from this person’s HATRED and Twisted Soul and WAKE UP! And no, he won’t let this on either, as he loves playing games with moderating posts…because he’s a total Control Freak, who loves to spread lies and nastiness wherever he can…Russell Means spent HIS days trying to spread Love and Awareness. I suggest that ALL those on here who do otherwise go and watch the many videos that Russell has left us, or read some of his books…

      • you’re exactly right Lizzie-Russell did avoid a lot of issues-
        the ones like the rape and abuse of women-, the growing presence
        of gangs-and above all anything that he might have to answer for.
        With all your attempts to characterize a quest for truth and
        decency as being hate it illustrates how far you are removed
        from both.
        Means, Banks, and their cronies epitomize this white attitude
        you speak of-and in times past would have been held to account and
        sent packing-you are anything but knowledgeable about our traditions,
        and attempting to even speak to them as you do in a such a perverted
        manner is indicative of your “white” attitude.
        For your furtherr edification the “school” was copied/modeled
        after one established my the Moari in New Zealand during the seventies.
        As it was never meant to be a cash cow or resume filler it has enjoyed
        huge success and seen as a global model.
        For you further edification these school exist on reservations across
        this country and have a better record of success and integrity than
        “Russell Means spent HIS days trying to spread Love and Awareness”
        So much love he didn’t attend Annie’s funeral, make any effort to
        ever call her children, and at the CWS conference denied that Ray
        Robinson was ever at WK2. So much love he conned and scammed
        people for “donations” as a career, and never spoke a word of truth
        about Yellow Thunder Camp ( which he got tired of “baby sitting),
        or WK2.
        Being a fool is one thing Lizzie-but you abuse the privilege.
        Now you can add your little enticements or challenges about I won’t
        post this or that and it won’t matter-’cause with these latest comments of yours
        I’ve allowed you’re through here.
        You’ll have to find another venue to attempt to drive viewers to your site.
        I agree read some books like The Hank Adams Reader,American Indian Mafia,
        even Russell’s book, and then search around and compare-watch some videos
        like the ones where Peltier trips himself up.
        And here’s a clue Lizzie-EVERY reservation is scar upon this land-just
        as your idol Peltier is upon the nations.

      • Sometimes I have a tinge of sympathy for her as well nppa -then I think of all the things
        she has said, all the accusations she has made, and it passes.

    • “in the drama he created”
      Indeed a drama of his creation LN, and one he took great liberties and “creative license”
      At times the body can be so ravaged relief only comes in the form of passing on, and the
      “rest” is to be found in that-other times the emotional body is ravaged, as with the survivors
      of the victims of WK2 at the hands of AIM-the relief sought by these survivors in the knowing
      and the repatriation of remains has been denied them.
      A “rest” Russell could have assisted in but chose not to.

      • I whole heartily agree. He could have done so much more and actually left behind a legacy of hope instead of the drama he played out. But since he is now gone maybe some good can be done to right some of the wrongs. Use his drama to teach others, you have taught me and I fully support you. Take care.

  3. I have praised Russell Means MANY times……You were too busy verbally kicking Leonard Peltier,, Russell and Dennis to notice though…Russell did a great deal to Raise Awareness of his people, just as Leonard continues to do, just as Dennis does. Russell is one of the main reasons I have come to learn so very much..and his excellent book ‘Where Whitemen Fear To Tread’ is never more than a few feet away from here where I write….I know that you will either not put this up, or that you will do your usual ‘fun game of hatred’ and ridicule all that I’ve said here, but trust me, YOU guys are the ones to be ridiculed, for your blackened and angry hearts glare out for the world to see, going against ALL that Native Americans believe in, for they are about Love, NOT Hate…about rising above The White Man’s Hateful Ways…..Sadly, you seem to have deliberately chosen to follow those ways, rather than the ways of your own people….This is said to those on here, if there are ANY, who ARE Native American. To those who have FBI blood running through their veins, or WISH they had, they will not understand, for they are the Carriers of A Hatred Against Native Americans which has spanned centuries, which they continue on to this day….

    NOTHING you can say, or do, will ever stop Russell Means being loved and respected by all who knew him.

    I will leave you to continue your sickening hatred…..

    • You with your British colonial mindset, superior British courts, cup of tea, and sitting
      by the beach watching children play as you say presume to speak about what “ALL that
      Native Americans believe in”?
      Who the hell do you think you are? You wouldn’t last five minutes in any indigenous
      community with your self important delusional self.
      I could give a rip who “loves” Russell and who doesn’t-what I know is after decades the
      truth is emerging and people like you are choking on it.

    • I’ve got lost now, truly! ~

      FBI blood of hatred running through centuries in veins of those who wish to have it?!
      And calling me one who’s playing fed full of haterd and to use my goddam brain to accept one truth in three versions excluding each other and ask no questions – is ancestor ways full of Love?

      Someone here is truly confused and brainwashed and I so hope it’s NOT ME then 😀

  4. I wondered how I would feel this day, since I was 17 & was raped by Means while he was on the Trail Of Broken Treaties in 1972 with his AIM Boyz,…(they… all so entranced by what Means projected, but never really was)…
    Manipulated into going against everything their Lakota parents & grandparents had taught them, so strong was the hold upon the very young Lakota AIM followers & members….
    I always wanted to know if it was Means idea of my rape, while he was in the middle of his Sun Dance commitment at Ceremonial Chief & Holy Man, Frank Fools Crows altar…dancing right next to my Father, Professor Calvin Dupree, or was it his Government handlers…?
    What a coincidence that Adrienne Riegert, granddaughter of Wilbur A. Riegert, curator of the WK Museum in 1973, & also the former allotment agent at Cheyennne River in the 1930’s, whos books… I am a Sioux, & Quest for the Pipe of the Sioux, As Viewed From WK, which was one of the targets during the Seige of WK by AIM….was suppressed by academia, & nearly destroyed at WK ’73.
    That Adrienne & I would both be abused by AIM within a span of a year…
    Two 1st Nations women of the future, who held the key to the truth…about the Pte Hincala Cannunpa Kin, because it was something both of us as children were taught….the truth pertaining to the White Buffalo Calf Pipe.
    The master manipulator is gone, & now we all look forward to a more positive future, as the Old AIM guard with their violence, abuse, drugs, lies, theft of Lakota ceremony, & self-serving propaganda fade away…
    Hopefully, the AIM legacy left behind… is one we can over come, not just for the Lakota, but..
    the overall culturally negative effect the greatest hoax in history (AIM) has had on all of mankind.
    Pilamayaye yelo, Wakan Tanka

    • A window has been partially opened LBW-there will be a concerted effort not only to
      close it but nail it shut as well, as existing manipulators and those who would be wait in
      the wings.

    • there will always be people sipping the AIM/Means/Banks/Crow Dog/ etc …. kool-aid in line for their new millenium space ship seating, people are obligated to make those people that drink and the line they stand in is nothing more than grief. i hold s no regard for someone , when there was no regard for them when they were alive , that someone who will wander with stained hands no different than those who follow “their” lead, there is no cure for stupidity,

      those who recognize and do not support or excuse murders of innocents and other such sick actions, are those who adhere to the thinking and living of ancestry, that does not comfort one’s heart from the bastardization of spiritual legacy, culture and traditions that is created from those who will continue to walk with stained hands

      • JP-despite attempts by others to liken adhering “to the thinking and living of ancestry”
        as being a manifestation of hate-it is what defines the true “Last Real Indians “.

    • That is horrible, Suzanne. I am so sorry you had to go through that. The man who sexually assaulted me is walking free while I have to bear the scars of that incident. It has been a year since it happened but it still stings like it happened just yesterday.

      Be well,
      Bedelia Bloodyknuckle, white ally.

  5. Russell Means passed away…
    Sadly, yes… that’s amazing amount of a relief. For many. Maybe not for millions – but for many. For others probably good reason to start feeling terribly stressed out.

    (It makes me think first of all – about soft words always said with little smile by wisest Elder I know in my life…”This too shall pass”.)

    “…and so those in denial lash out, the truth is the truth, doesn’t matter how much good you do after the fact. ”
    ~ Lizzie Cornish

    Well, R.I.P. then to that poor soul of Russell (if possible, myself I doubt it you can rest in peace with such burden of deeds and amount of pain and suffering you caused) and pity he didn’t have enough courage and too little honor and dignity, too much fear in him to tell his part of Truth…which will be told now, when chains of his enslaving and discouraging presence disappeared.

    I hope all victims and all those who been petrified by his presence and organized violence/ crime squadrons around world – he managed to find himself few pit-bulls and berserks ( I count Lizz and AJ.M. who was pain in brain – but among them she is most utter horror and terror in my humble opinion, doesn’t matter so amusing and entertaining, her terrorizing is worse that her garnish stand ups – hiccups out of blue and out of mind.)

    I also guess we may expect worldwide multimedia AIM crocodile tears, false tears over his death and true ones when whole truth will come out…

    “The weakest link in the chain is also the strongest. It can break the chain.”
    He was weakest one in spite all noise he was creating about himself , in spite of such desperate moves to make himself be seen – always last in queue for fame.

    But from me he will get prayer and offering. Was hard and harsh enough to stand his company when he was alive – when he was cowardly lying covering himself with shame, half amusing half humiliating himself and his followers, and being so rough and rude when someone dared to question even a bit HIS version of events and truths( will never forget when this “calmly speaking” old man lost his temper and took it out on us personally in his ROL – on women and elder and two men – roaring at us to “shut up and use goddam brains”).

    Personally I never met non-indigenous (except those with full pockets and wallets ofc) who after meeting him would praise him or would like to repeat such “pleasure” – ONLY those who never met him re-lying on books and ytb were able to do so.

    Indigenous mostly didn’t even want to say a word about him except those who found some profits and benefits because of being near and doing PR work for him. never got interested in details, I am sorry.

    Myself I think it’s simply time to let it go and start healing out wounds he left here.

    But somehow I think AIM standing there will sing from same hymn sheet and it will be song probably similar to this one, just no such masterpiece:

    • “…and so those in denial lash out, the truth is the truth, doesn’t matter how much good you do after the fact. ”
      ~ Lizzie Cornish

      Where *exactly* does this ‘quote’ from me appear?

      And here we go, ‘I’m So Up My Own Ego’ woman is saying she was raped when she was 17…So, why did she not take him to court? Apparently, her father was beside Russell when this happened, during a Sun Dance. ???

      I’m sure we’ll now have blog after boring blog of her coming out with all sorts of allegations against Russell, for she’ll be desperate to get those on the internet searching under his name to be directed to her blog…

      You guys will stop at nothing…

      Even Kamook Banks is dragged into your blogs (jp wade, are you listening?) in desperation to try to throw more mud at Dennis Banks and AIM. Yet, I wonder WHY jp didn’t go on to mention that Annie Mae had an affair with him, behind her alleged best friend’s back? I wonder why jp wade didn’t mention this fact? I wonder why he didn’t mention that Kamook was heartbroken and very angry with Annie over this? Well, that wouldn’t fit in the with story you’ve all woven would it…

      Call me old-fashioned, but in my book it ain’t nice to do that to your best friend, but heck, what do I know, as you all love to tell me over and again…It’s no good bashing one person for something, whilst turning away from other things…is it? Unless, of course, you have a very Particular Agenda…

      And by the way, I make no pretence about wanting to be Native American. I have absolutely no wish to be, and I abhor people who pretend to be or who make money out Native American customs, traditions and beliefs. What I DO want though is for the world to recognize the history of what happened, what is STILL happening, because of the Sociopathic White Supremacists who ruled back then, and who are, in the main, STILL ruling today….

      Say what you want…you spend your days lying and making up the most hate-filled sentences you can think of for that’s what floats the boats of Rez and his pals.

      And this is the final time I’ll write here, for two reasons. One, so that the FBI Worshipping Author of this blog will no longer get Orgasmically Excited every time he sees one of my posts in his ‘Shall I or Shan’t I Let Her Message Go On My Board’ box…..and Two, because I’m fed up with feeling Deeply Nauseous at all the False and Vindictive Shite that you spew up on here….

      So, I’ll leave Up My Own Ego Woman to now garner yet more attention for her ;look at MEEEEEEE!’ personality, as she writes blog after blog on ‘my life with Russell’…and I’ll leave you, Rezinate, and all your pages here which come to visit under different names, to drift off into FBI-Filled Neutralization Land.

      Have a good life y’all………

      • Annie’s ill conceived and short lived relationship with Banks has
        been well documented on just about any site you care to visit-from
        Annie’s own page to NFIC-hardly something anyone is denying or seeking
        to hide.
        There is also a video of kamook speaking glowingly of Annie and
        defending her against the snitch accusation, so I’d say the issue
        between them had been resolved- and as such your opinion about it is

        “It’s no good bashing one person for something, whilst turning away from other
        things…is it? Unless, of course, you have a very Particular Agenda…”

        Interesting that you can’t bring yourself to assign any blame to
        Banks-Mr. flee and leave women behind at the first sign of trouble.
        But then to admit that a single one of your idols has warts goes
        against the grain doesn’t it?

        You’re a woman, or least attempting to present yourself as one, seems
        like you would be a little more sensitive to things like the rape or
        murder of any woman-yet in all your ranting across the net I don’t recall
        you addressing such things. Understood though in view of your well known
        agenda-the number of things you turn away from is staggering.
        Now you stoop so low as to allude that LBW was raped in the presence
        of her father-I would think that would be beneath even you, but then
        each day you reveal more of your true character.

        “And here we go, ‘I’m So Up My Own Ego’ woman is saying she was raped
        when she was 17…So, why did she not take him to court? Apparently, her
        father was beside Russell when this happened, during a Sun Dance. ???”

        And here we go with a question for you-how many women fail to take their
        rapist to court and why? Could it be the humiliation they will be subjected to
        by defense attorneys? Or on the rez the historical lack of interest in prosecuting
        such cases by legal authorities, or the threats and intimidation
        by the accused family and friends within what amounts to a closed society?
        Don’t you ever get tired of inserting your foot into your mouth?

        And speaking of floating boats, the one you have attempted to cobble together
        is leaking like a seive, listing hard to port, and on the verge of sinking, so keep
        verbally bailing for what it’s worth.
        Your “final” comment? That’s worth a laugh-you’re an AIM factory worker
        with a quota to reach each day Lizzie, as such you are anything but “orgasmically”
        exciting, more akin to the flatulence you are noted for.
        You have no desire to be NA? -well that’s a good thing-a recognition of your
        own severe limitations, that you can only be what you are-a white version of a hang
        around the fort-a toady with little to offer but determined to work
        your way up AIM/Peltier recognition ladder. If you haven’t already try
        pumping some money into their personal economies-they like that.
        Hmmm -speaking of money and the proximity of your homeland to Scotland and
        it’s subjugation, are you the one who sent the Scottish currency to Peltier?
        Are you really a deep cover operative Lizzie, a part of that Cointel?
        Hmmm…something to think about.
        They say a mind is a terrible thing to waste-something you might mull over
        Lizzie, though it’s implications may be too profound for you to grasp.
        You’re a classic example of the AIM/Russell legacy-brainwashed and
        following a cadre of misanthropic pipers.

  6. I reply here because I can relate so strongly with Suzanne. The one who raped me died this year too. If I were to ever visit his grave, I would surely dance on it. To have the added burden of one’s rapist being a public figure is unimaginably horrifying. The trauma of rape leaves us in pieces and for some, their Niya never returns and those souls are left in pieces forever. I have no idea how I have escaped mental illness or how I have become whole again but it is surely a spiritual miracle. I am thankful for the clarity I have no matter how painful. I am thanful for the truth no matter how painful. I am thankful for other survivors and to see my reflection in their eyes.

    • I’m kind of at a loss as to what to say Kira, other than I regret the experience you underwent
      and imagine the difficulty in speaking about it. It is a growing concern among the nations, a
      reality that must be dealt with openly and honestly-something Russell never did during his
      career of “love” as Lizzie put it. Neither have Banks, Clyde, or any of the rest of them.

      • Ah, but you’re not privvy to everything I say on the internet are you, Rezinate…If you check with Denise she’ll tell you that I said that both Annie and Dennis were at fault over what happened behind Kamook’s back. She replied saying that I had no understanding of the ways of her people..so, therefore, if this is true, then Annie is not to blame and therefore, it also follows that neither is Dennis..Right?

        Secondly, I don’t believe a single thing Up My Own Ego Woman comes out with, so absolutely no way on this planet am I going to start believing her claims of rape against Russell Means…She has only herself to blame for this, for she has lied consistently about Leonard Peltier, Arvol Looking Horse and goodness knows how many other people….

        As to my words about her father, I was merely reiterating what she said herself, in one of her endless, timeless, look-at-me-blogs…Here it is:

        “At the time of the rape in the fall of 1972, Means was in the middle of his Sun Dance commitment, dancing next to my Father, Professor Calvin Dupree, (U of Lethbridge in Alberta) whom was Sun Dancing from 1970-1975 at Frank Fools Crows Sun Dance arbor, beginning at Pine Ridge in 1970 & finishing at Green Grass in Aug. 1975, with my Lakota adult naming ceremony by my spiritual mentor, Frank Fools Crow….”

        Taken from here: http://lookingbackwoman.wordpress.com/2012/07/02/a-heartfelt-thank-you-to-mr-west/

        Now, either she’s written it arse over whatsit, OR she means exactly what she says, that being that her father was there ‘at the time of the rape’ dancing next to Russell Means, who was er…dancing next to her father…No good blaming me, Rezzy…

        Oh, and also, to your claims of my English Colonialism…HA!!! I’d happily make the Sociopathic White Supremacists Bastards who did what they did, who STILL do what they do, disappear in a puff of smoke….and with your reference to ALL reservations being so wrong…of course they are!! What the hell do you think I would think???? Hitler got the idea of the concentration camps from the Native American Reservations, and of course, the whole ‘reservation’ idea came from…da di da…The British Sociopaths who were ruling at the time…

        I ain’t no Sociopath though..and I can’t be blamed for the country in which I was born…no-one can…but I can assure you that these days any form of racism in my country is taken very seriously indeed, FAR MORE SERIOUSLY than in the USA which is still to this day, imo, a deeply racist society…

        And now, despite saying I was going to cut off your ‘Moderation Orgasms’ I’ll leave you with one more, where you can go into Absolue Raptures yet again deciding whether to press the ‘Shall I? Shan’t I?” button yet again……..

      • By the way, Kira, I believe.
        Up My Own Ego Woman, I do NOT and NEVER will….
        Thank you

      • “Ah, but you’re not privvy to everything I say on the internet are you, Rezinate”
        Ah-the silver lining to the cloud Lizzie.

        Since your inclination is to quote Denise perhaps you’d like to
        add her words to the effect that Annie didn’t die from having
        her hands cut off or what anyone might have said-she died
        from a gunshot wound to the head inflicted by the rightfully
        convicted murderer John Graham.
        Instead you attempt to say that being abducted and murdered
        doesn’t matter. Brilliant Lizzie- and symptomatic of your departure
        from reality.
        Look up the definition of sociopath-it’s basically a person with
        no social conscience, such as you, Graham, Means, Peltier, Banks,
        Clyde, Crow Dog and the rest of that sorry bunch display. A person
        who can always find a way to justify their words and deeds-again
        like you and etal.
        Amazing that you actually think you have a greater insight, more
        information, more knowledge, and more time invested into Annie’s
        murder than her children do-talk about pompous and arrogant-no,
        those aren’t even adequate-just plain old stupid has the greater
        “Few people deny that Annie was murdered, for she was.” Probably
        the sanest thing you’ve said to date-but devalued by your attempts
        to “explain” and minimize.
        I can’t help but notice that you have avoided my question about whether
        you sent the Scottish money-are you really Price? I think we’re beginning
        to catch onto you Lizzie fbigal.
        And since you delight into spell checking the word is LET-not LETE.
        Lizzie Gump -life really is like a box of chocolates for you isn’t it?

        I agree a hundred percent-that Annie and Banks both share responsibility,
        but the “debt” due for that shouldn’t be one’s life should it?
        A pretty pathetic AIMINTELPRO interpretation of LBW’s words related
        to her rape-but then that’s who you are.
        You’re really hung up on words like orgasisms and sexual innuendo aren’t
        you?-must be a sign of pent up frustrations. Maybe you should go hang
        around one of those single bars.
        Hitler and concentration camps-uh huh-and British Imperialism that
        led to the invasion of this country and the genocide it precipitated.

      • Thank you, Chief Lizzie, for clearing that up for me. Again, you seem to think I need to be instructed as to what is in my own heart and blood.. You have no clue about being native. If so, you would never tell a woman she wasn’t sexually assaulted. That is in poor taste and lacks honor. You choose to accept a fairy tell you were fed. Fine. If it was your family that was raped,pillaged, and destroyed, how forgiving would you be? I can admit, I cannot stay mad at the dead. However, death doesn’t excuse the crimes that were committed. You speak of genocide, that’s exactly what Russell and the rest of the AIM monsters did– they effectively killed that generation of native children in WKII and the next and the next.. I agree with the others here, go to Pine Ridge or Rose Bud.. See if you get this “spiritual” treatment that you think you will. And you can see first hand what your heroes did.

        Rez, you can speak for me anytime.

      • Nicole-
        “Rez, you can speak for me anytime.” I wouldn’t presume to-just couldn’t resist
        following Lizzie’s apparent geographical mistake in thinking we’re in Africa and
        she is the great matriarchal she cow leading the herd.
        Having copy/pasted the above quote Lizzie will no doubt begin saying you and
        I are one and the same-a ploy for her when she finds it difficult to say anything
        of value.

      • I didn’t see Kira’s post the other day, I must have missed scrolling down. Precisely as I just wrote to you, she referred to having been raped, she bsounds very genuine. She does not name her attacker. There is a difference between a woman simply referring to being raped and making a specific accusatiion. I don’t see where she said she didn’t report it though, but I fully see how traumatized she was.

      • Isobel-I made no assertion whether Kira did or didn’t report it,
        and whether she did or not it is neither my or your place to
        second guess her decisions.

      • rezinate
        on October 29, 2012 at 3:56 pm said:
        Isobel- there is another indigenous woman, Kira, who has spoken recently in this blog
        about being raped, and while I don’t know the particulars about it the manner in which
        she discusses it seems to imply that she may not have gone the legal route.
        Perhaps you could comment in the form of a question to her about the reasons
        for whichever course she chose.
        This lack of coming forward isn’t some rare occurrence-it is often seen in rape,
        incest, and cases of pedophilia- each individual struggles with their own burden, but
        it seems that once they make the decision to speak some measure of that burden
        is relieved and in finding their voice they become very vocal-which I think is a good
        thing that educates the public and raises public opinion.
        Russell was an actor long before he got his first movie role, as such to play the part
        of a champion of matriarchy was to me little more than another performance.

        on October 31, 2012 at 3:10 pm said:
        Isobel-I made no assertion whether Kira did or didn’t report it,
        and whether she did or not it is neither my or your place to
        second guess her decisions.

        Not really any comment needed here but I would point you to your statement,: ‘ there is another indigenous woman, Kira, who has spoken recently in this blog
        about being raped, and while I don’t know the particulars about it the manner in which
        she discusses it seems to imply that she may not have gone the legal route.
        Perhaps you could comment in the form of a question to her about the reasons
        for whichever course she chose.’

        followed by your ‘I made no assertion whether Kira did or didn’t report it …’ etc.

        You’ll note you also went on to second guess her decisions in your original post. As I commented to you on another topic, you are a twister aren’t you. As well as a bigot and a hater.

        I apologise to her for repeating it, but in fact there is nothing in what she wrote that gives any indication that she didn’t report the rape. Simply her feelings about it. Her words were very poignant I thought.

      • Well Isobel -I find it a little ironic that you would say second guessing-you’ve
        been providing an excellent example of that regarding the opinions expressed by
        others- and as you say “not really any comment needed here”- so I leave it at that.

    • Earlier I felt blank about his demise. I have to admit, since a nap and some time to think, I too, am relieved. I wish the damage he’s done could be undone, somehow. LBW-Kira-I’m sorry.. I’ve agreed with what most have said here, except Lizzie, who seems to think we need to be told how to be Indians.. The truth is the truth-death or not. Death doesn’t make one a saint, only accountable for their wrong doings here on Earth..

      • Nicole-
        “The truth is the truth-death or not. Death doesn’t make one a saint, only accountable for their wrong doings here on Earth..”
        That pretty much says it all-the damage that has been done won’t be easy to undo, and those of his contemporaries who remain will make the task even more difficult.

      • From Nicole: >>>…I’ve agreed with what most have said here, except Lizzie, who seems to think we need to be told how to be Indians….”<<<

        Not at all, nor would I ever do such a thing. However, I did say that Native Americans pride themselves almost on being very loving, very forgiving, very spiritual and very honest. It is the way of the Elders, the Ancestors.

        This blog isi the exact opposite of that Belief and Way of Life, being filled with lies, hatred and vindictiveness. I have no idea who anyone is, other than Suzanne and Denise, nor where they come from, nor even if they're all one person hiding behind multiple names and pages…

      • Lizzie Gump-

        “However, I did say that Native Americans pride themselves almost on being very loving,
        very forgiving, very spiritual and very honest. It is the way of the Elders, the Ancestors.”
        Pocohantas speaks authoritatively on Elders and traditions again-like to qualify that by
        relating how much time you’ve spent among the nations or our Elders? Oh that’s right,not
        a fair question as you haven’t.
        Above all other things Elders are about truth and integrity-have you read
        the ’99 Lakota Oyate statement where they call not only for the truth as
        a step to forgiveness but also call Banks a liar and AIM nothing- a bunch
        of wannabe chiefs flying around the country?
        Gee Lizzie-do you think they are fbi too? Think you know more than they do?
        I’m sure Nicole has own her response to make but I couldn’t help but address
        your “wisdom” re elders.

  7. Thank you Rezzie. I will be restless and cranky until I see the issue of domestic and sexual violence become a top priority for eradication in NDN country and everywhere where it remains at epidemic levels.

  8. Not the way for our people to celebrate the death of this one Russell Means, and
    we are not made to think rezinate or those others who make the words in this
    place celebrate, only to speak the truth and make to say may be it is some thing
    better for us now to come and to pray and offer for this.

  9. Who is this Lizzy person, talking as if she has lived on Pine Ridge or Rosebud?? She has nooooo idea what it is like there. Especially now.

  10. Thank you Rezinate,

    Just my handful of copper as white European outsider – but one who HAD met Mr Means personally, not only through book, blog but also through his direct replies, youtube and other people who met him -perfect Mitakuye Oyasin (we are all related and observe/share knowledge about each other- thing he NEVER understood fully, he saw only selfish use side of it).

    I don’t understand how someone can be proud to say “I always praised”- as that means being simply blind for truth about person, picking up just bits YOU like/ love to have in yourself and creating illusion of non-existing pantheon phenomena(same with Mr Peltier) what’s even worse combined with over-zealotry…making praised one believing in that pile of BS and illusion you created – that it is him true self. Quite cruel in MY opinion.

    From my observation also – yes, mr Means STARTED (or was trying to start) many things- but never bothered to finish, to work for end effect , to even supervise. ALSO(myself I shared several in RoL) there are some great “moccasin post” projects for children.elders and youth in Pine Ridge and among LDN nations – always ignored, never mentioned by AIM or in RoL – in spite they shall be FULLY supported and shared and combined.

    And ekhm, ekhm…He started school (idea stolen form Annie Mae project, we all know that well) for language he didn’t speak much and traditions he didn’t know and hoped someone else will do all whole rest of work, he will just give his signature and it works like autograph for fans? Makes you famous and loved? BIG mistake, isn’t it?

    Plus- myself I never hated HIM, I may hate things he done and ways he behaved, been annoyed, hurt, shocked…most of all disappointed. But never hated him as I don’t hate rest of them – because in my eyes they don’t deserve hate, that would be disgrace for myself and loosing, giving up own dignity and pride to get so low, to their level, to hate.

    You hate what you fear as old proverb says – and I wasn’t even afraid of them…in spite we had few adventures here with threatening me for being Rezinate, taking me to court and sending messages to my relatives via FB and WP to ask me to shut the hell up or violent solutions will come handy 🙂
    We had that fun:)

    So yes- he got candle and prayer from me with forgiveness for all my personal pain and disappointment caused by him ..with utter wish “may whole world soon KNOW whole Truth about him, his role in AIM and events and may all lies be exposed and understood as lesson from him, his legacy of what NOT TO DO ANYMORE.”

    From very simple, merciful reason : When Lie is being exposed and understood as one which is not true – Truth is being DIS-Covered and comes to light, to shine with it’s all painful beauty.
    To be cure, balm, relief ; to heal us and to set us all Free.

    “…Enough for slaves of space and time
    ours is the Now and Here of Freedom.”

    ~ E. E. Cummings

    • Thanks again for comments and insights SF- apologies for the case of mistaken
      identity and threats received , becoming a common occurrence for any who
      stand in opposition.
      A fixation of Lizzie’s to accuse people of being others, so don’t be surprised if
      she seizes upon your statement and attempts to float it in her signature way.

      • Oh no, wasn’t Lizz (yet) if she comes I have tea and biscuits, pub nearby and I am already quite good at cockney slang – so may be will find some way to communicate and find kind of compromise…

        It was our still greatly unappreciated AIM-TELL-PRo “best conspiracy theories about weather ” hero, Charmaine 😀

        No need to apologize – had my fun, amusement and entertainment. Plus proof that all things being told about ways AIMsters and liberators supporters are not rumors -but true and all those disgusting and dishonest way are still in use. For real. And made me even more compassionate for indigenous Americans and angry of what own leaders doing to them to hide own faults.

        And made me admire those who stand so tall for truth and made me fully convinced I want to saty and help best I can 🙂

    • From Stonefeather: >>>”I don’t understand how someone can be proud to say “I always praised”- as that means being simply blind for truth about person, picking up just bits YOU like/ love to have in yourself and creating illusion of non-existing pantheon phenomena(same with Mr Peltier) what’s even worse combined with over-zealotry…making praised one believing in that pile of BS and illusion you created – that it is him true self. Quite cruel in MY opinion….”

      I never said that, Sweetums. YOU said that.
      *I* said this:

      “I have praised Russell Means MANY times……You were too busy verbally kicking Leonard Peltier,, Russell and Dennis to notice though…”

      I would not misquote you, so please do not do it to me, unless, of course, you have an Agenda of your very own, or have merely read it wrongly, in which case, it is polite to at least have the guts to admit this fact. Thank you. And, apologies if you’re quoting another poster, but I can’t see that in anyone else’s posts…..so therefore I have to assume you believe I said that, which I didn’t. Always best to copy and paste the EXACT quote, naming the person and putting the facts in either side, so people get the REAL explanation of what the other person meant….unless of course, all together now, ‘you have an Agenda of your very own’……

      • Dear Lizz,

        Oh, sadly yes – I admit I’ve merely read it wrongly and didn’t memorize exact words, sweating crawling intellectually meandering through entropy of your tries to express yourself and I didn’t do copy/paste of exact quote being distracted and focused on trying grasp what are you trying to tell us. My fault and my mistake.

        You know, just personal habit of not doing it too often (copy/paste thingy) and ONLY with significant and inspiring quotes of Masters of Words/ Language – I rather used to use own goddam brain and expressing myself my own ways.

        Maybe not best as English is my second language – but i prefer to do that bit than rather just relying on that blindly quoting random and irrelevant exacts will make me look smarter.

        True it is, you said you “praised MANY times”. But… Putting such caps pressure on “MANY” actually is equal to “always/ all- ways” I guess..as else that would mean you didn’t do it every time which means you had your doubts and expressed something else than only praise about those named above.

        That – looking at your whole attitude – I find impossible to happen. Doubts and not praising them I mean. Anyone (even themselves) but you. As saying goes : You’re more popeish than Pope himself.

        No, sadly no – I don’t have Agenda, not even sure what it is precisely and what to do with it, how and what to use it for – when I have Truth and I can use frankness, honesty and own intellect.

        But if you have any to sell in bargain we can talk it over, just don’t overestimate it and don’t confuse “priceless” with “worthless” – and maybe then I’ll find something useful or inspiring in it. Or at least amusing – always good to find something to smile at – laughing is healthy and makes you look younger and feel healthier they say, so feel free to share nicely (if you can).

        But don’t feel obligated – I CAN live and move on without it. 🙂

  11. There’s a quote I’ve employed in the past on the blog as follows- ” Silence is Consent”,
    and when you think about it difficult to deny.
    I am encouraged by those who have chosen to speak here-especially women who
    have undergone the pain and humiliation of rape-in doing so it speaks to a strength
    of character as yet to be exhibited by any among the AIM hierarchy.
    The truth of this silence emanating from them has often led me to wonder how any
    woman could be supportive or enamored of them, how any could excuse or deny
    the truth of Annie Mae’s murder?
    It is in a way the equivalent of the battered woman syndrome and remains a mystery
    to me.

    • This has been an incredible string…much thought, wisdom and passion…and Rezinate’s meaningful replies as always; I am waiting to hear Peltier’s take on this…his post for the day was about voting, so tomorrow we’ll have his pearls of wisdom to consider…

      • Just curious nppa -can federal prisoners vote? Seems like someone told me
        they could. Or for that matter can any prisoner vote?
        It has been a good string-meaningful comments and good people raising their
        voices-all of which are appreciated with one notable and obvious exception.

      • Rezinate: No, inmates and convicted felons cannot vote; what Peltier was doing in his post yesterday was to pander to the President solely over the clemency issue…which I don’t believe is in his future. He did though today comment on Means’ passing…I’ll await your comments on that and will probably post on it as well.

    • Few people deny that Annie was murdered, for she was. But her murder came about PURELY because your FBI buddies laid down the path which led to her death. YOU believe John Graham pulled that trigger…I do not. At no time do you bring up the FBI agent who said he would see Annie dead within the year, nor the vicious way he and other FBI agents behaved around the time of the post-mortem and what they said to those who knew Annie. These guys, were in my opinion, of a Sociopathic mindset, as well as deeply racist, but YOU CHOOSE to utterly ignore what the FBI did, not only to Annie Mae, but to so many other Native Americans….

      IF the FBI had not done what they did to Annie Mae, using her, targetting her, setting her up, threatening to kill her themselves, then she would, no doubt, still be alive today…


      Now, let’s see if you’ve got the guts to lete THIS out on your board…..!

      • Since your inclination is quote Denise perhaps you’d like to
        add her words to the effect that Annie didn’t die from having
        her hands cut off or what anyone might have said-she died
        from a gunshot wound to the head inflicted by the rightfully
        convicted murderer John Graham.
        Instead you attempt to say that being abducted and murdered
        doesn’t matter. Brilliant Lizzie- and symptomatic of your departure
        from reality.
        Look up the definition of sociopath-it’s basically a person with
        no social conscience, such as you, Graham, Means, Peltier, Banks,
        Clyde, Crow Dog and the rest of that sorry bunch display. A person
        who can always find a way to justify their words and deeds-again
        like you and etal.
        Amazing that you actually think you have a greater insight, more
        information, more knowledge, and more time invested into Annie’s
        murder than her children do-talk about pompous and arrogant-no,
        those aren’t even adequate-just plain old stupid has the greater
        “Few people deny that Annie was murdered, for she was.” Probably
        the sanest thing you’ve said to date-but devalued by your attempts
        to “explain” and minimize.
        I can’t help but notice that you have avoided my question about whether
        you sent the Scottish money-are you really Price? I think we’re beginning
        to catch onto you Lizzie fbigal.
        And since you delight in spell checking the word is LET-not LETE.
        Lizzie Gump -life really is like a box of chocolates for you isn’t it?

      • Silence? Really? There are others who fight the AIM fight; I’ve mentioned it only a few times, and then only in passing…as for LP, and the LPDOC, ask them if there’s been silence. LP also receives a hard copy by snail mail to Coleman every time something is posted. Unlike many others, I don’t want to fight or ridicule you; your ranting without foundation adds nothing to a meaningful debate or civil discussion. I have ignored you because nothing can be gained otherwise. And I should have ignored this post as well. And to use the old American/British expression; only one of us has a dog in this fight; I never knew Jack Coler or Ron Williams..and it doesn’t matter; thirty years putting bad guys where they belong, and a great-gandfather who was a full-blood.

      • I’ll interject a point here. Didn’t you speak of Annie Mae’s second marriage when she received the name, Aquash in a previous blog? If I remember right, weren’t they married with the Chanupa at Wounded Knee by Wallace Black Elk? It’s my understanding that once you’re married with the Chanupa it is for a full life time and even extends beyond the grave. I can’t say one way or the other on this( only the Spirits know) but maybe in not honoring this commitment and in being frivolous in her relations she suffered some karmic repercussions? Something to think about and a lesson for us all that nothing done with the Chanupa should be taken lightly. That was one thing that Wallace taught me that I always remember. If you make a commitment, honor it. And only think good thoughts when you’re praying. Never put out a bad thought to another living life when you’re handling a Chanupa.

      • SB-

        They were indeed married as you have described-though I’m not
        sure how specific any mention I might have made was without
        looking through the archives.
        I believe commitments should be honored-and without referencing
        Annie’s (as I’m not familiar with, nor consider it any of my business,
        whether it was harmonious or abusive) I will say that nowhere among
        the nations that I know of is marriage said to be an absolute despite
        all things-that’s the venue of the Catholic church which believes a woman
        is basically chattel and meant to endure all things.
        If you recall Crazy Horse’s own wife left him for another-and he in turn
        became involved with the wife of another-both much more immersed
        in tradition than the nations are today.
        You should also be aware that divorce among the Lakota wasn’t unheard
        of, and often could be accomplished by the simple act of a woman sitting
        the man’s things outside of their home.
        One thing I’ve always believed is that no one should stay in a dysfunctional
        marriage or relationship regardless of whether it is the man or the woman.
        I grew up in one of those affected by a drunken abusive father-and no benefit
        can be found.
        Don’t go New Age with things like karma-there is no place for it in any
        discussion pertaining to the nations.
        Banks relationship or not-murder is murder-Price said this or so and so said
        that-murder is murder-AIM was infiltrated and paranoid, murder is murder.
        Something Russell knew, and yet condoned by never stepping up, by never
        being a traditional “patriot”-and as LBW said-we have a right to be outraged
        at him, AIM, and his cronies.
        I might add that there was time among some of the nations that polygamy
        wasn’t uncommon-one of Crow Dog’s ancestors had four wives I believe,
        some men might think that’s a great idea, but I doubt today’s indigenous
        women would.
        Russell had four wives spaced out over time-apparently he never felt he was
        bound for life.
        I think in attempting to speak about chanupas and spiritual matters a better
        word than “frivolous” could have been employed, but I suspect in having done
        so it was by design.I also can’t help but notice you’ve left the mere mention
        of Banks name out of your comment or having characterized his role in the relationship as being “frivolous”, which undoubtedly it was for he of the
        “Elk medicine”.

  12. Pingback: Good Riddance Russell Means « Influenced to Death

    • Thanks Nicole-interesting information. I can understand not allowing them to vote
      during the time they are serving their sentence, but it seems like if a part of the
      goal other than just being punishment is to productively re intergrate them back into
      society removing the most basic of fundamentals like voting fails to serve that purpose
      I would think.

      • Yes, I agree. Once their time is completed, they should at least have that right restored to them.. My dad worked at a prison for almost 30 years. The ones he felt had a shot, he looked after and mentored. No many like him anymore,my dad, in the prison system.. They hire psychopaths now..

      • Nicole,
        There’s a fair number of people who don’t belong on the streets, among
        them the majority will be released at some point-seems like the approach
        would be based on an awareness of that, and speaks well for your father
        that he understood that.

      • This is interesting re limited rights Nicole -and policy as it is seems able to be challenged
        under cruel and unusual and also double jeopardy as it is in effect another tacked onto
        the one prescribed and completed.
        Not familiar with all the nuances or legalities, just seems common sense to me. So you
        remain subject to all laws including those involving taxation but aren’t allowed any input
        into the system-something not right with that.

    • You bring up some good points in regards to marriage but it’s still my understanding that if you marry with a Chanupa it’s an eternal bond that even transcends physical life. So even if you leave your mate during your lifetime you will still be bonded in the spirit world. That’s why I believe I was taught that you should think long and hard and be absolutely sure before you bond with someone in this way. There could be varying interpretations on this, though. As far as being “frivolous,” with the Chanupa, I’m starting to see where LBW’s abuse and delusion is coming from. If she was indeed abused as she claims then she needs to heal from that and learn forgiveness before she picks up that Chanupa and claims to be somebody with it. Right now she’s picking up that Chanupa with vengeance and hatred as a weapon, which is potentially very dangerous. She’s wishing bad on others to avenge her own hurt and disappointment. Almost every word out of her being is an attack against someone in AIM as if they were the root of all evil on the planet. She needs to first heal herself before she picks up the Chanupa and claims to be something. She should put that down and maybe pick it up later in her life when she’s ready for it? Or else she might hurt someone with it and ultimately hurt herself. I also agree with Lizzie that there is a serious downplaying on this page regarding the FBI’s culpability in regards to the Reign of Terror, Annie Mae, Jumping Bull ECT….What happened to your truth commission? Why did you censor out my response to Mr. Ed?

      P.S- The only thing I meant by using the word “Karma,” was to state the universal truth that, “what goes around comes around.” Another way of saying it would be what Chief Seattle said. “We’re all strands in the web. What you do to the earth you do to yourself ect…Or just as simple as the blues. If you mess with another man’s women then another man might mess with your woman.

      • Well this is a belief the Mormons also hold-their marriage is sealed in the Temple and they are eternally bound in the hereafter. They also believe a man is given his own planet to rule over and the only way a woman makes it to “heaven” is through marriage to a Mormon man.
        We both know human relationships are complex and not always equitable- I can’t speak for the Creator but my personal opinion would be these things I have said, and the circumstances that would lead to the dissolution of a marriage would be known and a consideration-that may be a humanist or anthropomorphic position but none the less it is what I believe.
        A pipe carrier is obligated to speak the truth, and in doing so provide an example if you will, but the reality is it is becoming something to accessorize with-the final touch to add like cuff links or a purse that matches a pair of shoes.
        Russell made a grandstand play in going on about “Western medicine”, the evils of it and how he would only go the traditional way-he was playing to an audience as he always did and accessorized his illness and the persona he spent a lifetime trying to perfect.
        I’m given to understand now that in a further attempt to accessorize his illness the claim was made that he cut off his braids as an act of “sacrifice” and mourning for the people.
        It is well know Russell was balding prior to that and the reason for always wearing a hat, it is also well known the braids such as they were consisted in the majority of a couple of feet of leather attached to wisps of hair and that a side effect of chemo and radiation is hair loss-often enough falling out in clumps.
        Yet when push came to shove he capitulated even to the point of “radiothons” and RoL video commentaries seeking donations to pay for his chemo and radiation-which is exactly what it was despite any attempt to downplay it.
        Not to mention the water filtration device he said was a must have for his well being.
        What struck me about the filtration system and the Uranium in the ground water in PR is during a lifetime of employing that for his own ends none of the money he ever generated was directed towards the remediation of the contaminated water that others were drinking. Never remediated a single still birth, a deformity, or any resulting related infirmity.
        The same could be said for revenue collected by Crow Dog, or any of the AIM “leadership”-all of which have sought to escape the ravages of rez life through monetary pursuits while presenting themselves as champions of a people as those same people die around them and suffer every inequity poverty creates.
        All who have spoken about the pipe and it’s significance at some point, all who have traded upon tradition and ceremonies, even to the charade of involoving the presence a pipe during their various court appearances, and all have the blood of innocents on their hands- so if you believe it to be a personal responsibility to address LBW and the pipe she carries, or your interpretation of the responsibilities Annie undertook you should likewise address the responsibility of those mentioned above in any discussion related to pipes,ceremony, and tradition.
        I’ve seen members of the AIM hive post on the net about the “sacrilege” of posing with a pipe if a photo showing one who isn’t on their most favored list or even any photo including a pipe is shown-doing so illustrates a highly selective ignorance to me when taking into consideration photos such as Martha Bad Warrior with a pipe,or any number of others dating back decades.
        But then that’s all part of their game, much the same as attempting to say the feds were after Jimmy Eagle because of an old pair of boots-or that Crow Dog rules over the University of the Universe as the chief of chiefs.
        So Annie and Nogeeshik married in the presence of pipe and everything following that was a sacrilege in your opinion while you would speak of the responsibilities of the pipe and carrying one-yet you present yourself as having a pipe and praying with it-despite your well documented and profane attacks on people across internet land. What you consider valid defense. Likewise the hatred you have exhibited.
        Does this amount to some sacrilege on your part? When a deliberate fraud is perpetrated by any, especially those who have sought to or pretend to be leaders or a medicine person I believe it is a responsibility to denounce them, and I for one will continue to do so.
        By any metric, any protocol, Crow Dog is outside the realm of these protocols, and I would think with your professed concern related to such matters you would turn your focus to that rather than the marriage of Annie and Nogeeshik.
        Here’s a piece of advice-as you are mentored by Crow Dog seek a second opinion, a third, and a fourth-an opinion offered by someone respected and not aligned with AIM-then compare them.
        Neither Annie or Nogeeshik to the best of my knowledge inflicted personal misery on others-neither has LBW-nor have they blood on their hands-while those I have referenced within the AIM fold have, I’d say that’s something to consider rather than picking at the bones of an innocent murdered woman.
        In mentioning LBW you say she needs to heal from her experience-I would ask how does one go about that when justice and closure are missing-how does one go about that when rape and abuse are daily occurrences on the rez-how does one go about that when the rapist and his cronies subvert these things and through intimidation, theft, and murder gain power?
        I don’t think it’s possible, so I say she and as many others as possible should be addressing the issues, all the issues and raising hell about them, if you interpret that as wishing bad on others it’s your choice to do so.
        I also think it is damn shame that for the most part it is left to women to lead the charge while would be warriors basically sit on their ass doing nothing. But that’s just me-the one you and the great she cow Lizzie refer to as fbiguy, so what do I know?

  13. To set the vicious Lizzy straight…
    I did not report the rape by Means, because the rape was to insight revenge & rage in my Father, who had been passed the Cannunpa by FFC in 1971.
    Which would have led to my Father’s death at the hands of AIM, when he… as any Father would have done, confronted the rapist of his child, a fellow Tetuwan Sun Dancer, in the middle of his Sun Dance Commitment at FFC’s altar, that is just not done or allowed in Lakota spiritual protocols, period.
    AIM could claim again to FFC… my Father, was not a full blood or worthy, & Crow Dog should be allowed to carry the Cannunpa.
    If anyone doubts my words of this encounter, I have always stated,(if Lizzy would have only researched)…
    I was raped by Means on AIMs Trail of Broken Treaties in Spokane, the fall of 1972, close to this time of year, not at Sun Dance-WBCP Revival Ceremony…in South Dakota in August.
    AIMs BIA takeover in Spokane was on the 6 o’clock news, which should be archived with any local Spokane TV Station, KREM…being one.
    When my Father saw me standing next to Means at the AIMs BIA takeover on the evening news, later that night…he called me & said, “Do not let AIM use you to get to me & the Cannunpa”.
    By that time it was too late, the rape occurred the night before, so affirmation of what I felt was the purpose of the rape was verified by my Father’s statement to me, & I never spoke of it to him, but Frank Fools Crow knew…& Means knew FFC knew.
    So, in 1975 at my Lakota naming ceremony by FFC, Means & Banks skirted around our encampment, but never actually approached close, as Means & Banks knew the Ceremonial Chief & Holy Man had had a plan for my creation, & he knew I had not done anything to bring on the rape by Means myself…
    There was a reason Means had 18 AIM members, witnesses to this rape, & none of them attempted to help me or stop Means in any way, for it was to show all who were there…
    AIM was now in charge…& the Old Traditional Lakota’s dreams & manifestations would be overrode by the new Boyz taking charge by force & violence…& would be doing as they pleased with any man…woman or child without accountability or justice for AIMs victims.

    • I’m of the opinion that a person, any person should not be compelled or find themselves
      in a position to explain anything about such a highly personal event as rape, I also
      think that anyone who attempts to twist such an event into some defense of a rapist
      or criminal organization lacks an understanding of even the most fundamental tenets
      of civility and are completely devoid of compassion.

    • LBW… Tears are running down my face now. I’m so sorry..May I post this account? I have a blog and really.. This.. This shows exactly how AIM worked, like inmates in a prison..

      • Oh for goodness sake, ‘Nicole’, get a grip….and you sound awfully like Rezinate. Have you seen a doctor about this? If not, I think you should! I think they call it Multiple Personality Disorder, just to be of help to you in your diagnosis…

      • Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie.. Though I’m flattered to be compared to Rez, you are very wrong. I have a website that bears my picture.. Really, Lizzie, you need to check yourself into a mental health facility and not come out until you have rejoined us in reality. Funny, you say we need help, yet you are defending murdering, rapists.. You say we need help, yet you seem to think you have the inside track on being native.. You are the one with the identity crisis, Dear, not I..

        Oh, and for reference, here’s my website: http://n-morgan.tumblr.com/

        The little pic in the corner is me.. Find a new tactic, Lizzie.

    • I can understand if a situation occurred where you thought violence might result against your father you might delay reporting it, but why not report it later. Many AIM members and the AIM leaders were not full bloods and were honest about that, they didn’t pretend to be so implying they discriminating against people who weren’t seems strange reference your father not being. He has a lot of family, including children, grieving for him now and they may see your statements so soon after his death. He has not here for them to ask, it’s very cruel timing as you didn’t bring charges. He isn’t here to answer.

      • Isobel- I think what is being overlooked is that despite women being victims they
        often have a sense of shame-add to that the fact that there are always others
        who will say they “asked for it” and it becomes even more difficult.
        In addition to that factor AIM’s well established history of violence and intimidation
        and the stakes are raised.
        I believe there are statutes of limitations as well, and as this is a crime that falls
        under federal jurisdiction their track record of pursuing such cases involving
        indigenous women is less than stellar.
        Russell may not be here to answer as you say-but he certainly had ample
        opportunity to in the past and studiously avoided doing so.

      • rezinate, I’m having to reply to me because reply isn’t showing on your post so sorry this will be above yours. If you mean in terms of not reporting a rape women feel shame, yes – but LBW is writing about this publicly now, and she has apparently stated it publicly before. I didn’t know but someone commented yesterday and I notice she states she has always said it occurred. So the theory that she didn’t report it because of the feeling of shame making it difficult to talk about doesn’t really stand up. However the reason she gave for not reporting it was that her father would have ended up being kllled by AIM if she told him. So she didn’t. But apparently has in more recent years said it publicly; so the fact remains, why feel free to say it publicly, but not report and attempt to have charges brought.

        The theory about her being intimidated by AIM’s violence into reporting doesn’t, I’m not being querulous here but look at it logically, hold up either. She was not afraid to state it publicly so therefore there was no reason for her to be afraid to report it.

        She didn’t give as a reason for not reporting it that federal jurisdiction would not have pursued it so there was no point. In fact given Russell Means’ lack of popularity in certain quarters, had they had a reason to arrest him they would have grabbed the chance.

        When I first responded to this post I didn’t know LBW had made the statement before, when Russell was here. He was not obliged to respond to it and I think most people in that situation, having that allegation made against them, would wait to answer it through the appropriate legal process if charges were brought. Answering someone making accusations in public without attempting to involve a legal process would be a strange thing to do with an allegation of that kind.

        I believe many people in Indian country, including many who dislike AIM intensely, ignore what LBW says on a range of issues, you would find if you look into it or ask around.

      • Isobel-I have an entirely different opinion-if for example such an accusation
        were publicly made about me I would be addressing it in the same format,
        I think any innocent man would in the least issue a denial.
        As to failing to answer someone through a legal format that has long been the
        way of it for AIM.
        In spending ten minutes throughout the net you will find literally dozens of
        accusations they have avoided answering-I believe the reason for that is
        they don’t want to run the risk of going to court and having those accusations
        Instead they either go silent or allow those who have bought into four decades
        of lies and propaganda to come to their defense.

      • You exact words were : However, Suzanne Dupree is not honest. So, you did indeed say she wasn’t honest. I disagree with you. Why mince words? I agree with Rez about Dennis, he can get somewhere when there’s dollars at the end..

      • Nicole, I found one previous post I wrote and it didn’t say that but I have commented on several points. Ask around, as I said to Rezinate, about LBW.

      • Isobel-I have an entirely different opinion-if for example such an accusation
        were publicly made about me I would be addressing it in the same format,
        I think any innocent man would in the least issue a denial.
        As to failing to answer someone through a legal format that has long been the
        way of it for AIM.
        In spending ten minutes throughout the net you will find literally dozens of
        accusations they have avoided answering-I believe the reason for that is
        they don’t want to run the risk of going to court and having those accusations
        Instead they either go silent or allow those who have bought into four decades
        of lies and propaganda to come to their defense.


        I’m getting slightly lost on forum in terms of clicking reply to a post below and it not being clear which comment is being replied to.

        I can assure you a lawyer would, if you were in such an unfortunate position as an accusation of that kind, advise you to keep quiet.

        If Russell Means had denied the accusation, he would have been accused of lying and he would have been giving credibility to the accusation by acknowledging it. Also, a lot depends on who made the accusation. If a highly respected woman who was known to be reliable and honest made the claim, then it would no doubt have been cause for concern. I would say not answering it, was the answer to it.

        As I said to you before, ask around about LBW.

    • Thanks for the reblog LBW -for what it’s worth I apologize in the name of humanity
      that such people exist.
      One things for sure-everyone damn well has right to express their outrage regrading
      this aberration known as AIM and it’s criminal leadership.

  14. P.S- Here is your “spiritual leader,” in her own words. If you read them with an open mind you will see for yourself the delusion, paranoia and sickness that I was referring to:

    “So, Geffin took his mass amount of coin, the email from Arden to Jeannie stated, & backed Obama, that is why Obamas champaign ads looked so good, & Hollyweirdish…produced & supported by Geffin, with the stipulation, before Obama leaves office, Obama agreed to pardon Peltier.
    If that would to actually occur, God forbid… with Means place vacated at the trough within AIM leadership…Peltier’s release & Presidential pardon would give AIM a huge moral boost, & shot in the arm AIM are desperately in need of….with their ship of lies taking on so much water, they are stealing life preservers from each other….
    And, along with more money from donations that would come in to all of them within AIM leadership, with the promised Peltier’s (Obama’s) pardon-release.
    How Arden could & did predict a year & a half earlier, before Obama even took office, Obama would be our next President…takes a lot of someones well placed money.

    Play or get played, seems to be the name of this political AIM game….

    What is truly amazing is Jeannie forwarded this Harvey Arden email exchange to numerous people, as I did for safekeeping…& now it appears the monitoring, surveilance & hacking the current administration has been involved in since 2009 t0 2012, has tried to remove this exchange from email accounts having had it sent to them, so it would never see the light of day….

    No such luck, it seems to have already been placed in early 2009, in the hands of the FBI….

    If I had not read this email exchange myself, I would never of believed this could happen in the land of the free.

    It will be most interesting to see how this political drama plays out, & if Peltier IS released-pardoned by Obama….before he leaves office.

    Which Obama looks like he will be, if the debate polls are accurate….after the Libya Embassy terrorist attack-Obama administration cover-up is exposed on Fox News Network becomes clearer, the attack upon our Embassy in Libya was known to be an act of terror… since emails for help, & drone surveilance proved it, beyond any doubt in real time.

    If Obama & his administration can lie so dramatically to the American public over & over again for weeks upon weeks with a cock & bull story the murders of 4 Americans resulted from an offensive to Muslims video…

    Anything is possible, & has been possible within our US Government for decades & decades despite our Forefathers best intentions when they wrote our Constitution.

    The hiding of the true corruption & abuse of power that goes on behind closed doors We the people, have absolutely no input or voice in….should be very unsettling to all honest, hardworking Americans right before we all need to make the most important decision in voting history….”

    • SB
      I consider this to be accurate and important information for people to have, far from being
      paranoid-AIM is indeed looking for a boost-they’ve been taking a well deserved pounding of
      late and they will use Russell’s passing in any way they can to turn it to an advantage for
      For what it’s worth I’ll relate a conversation I had with a medicine woman when Russell’s
      illness was first announced-she said he would do anything to survive because he had fear
      about death and the accountability it would bring.
      Which we have seen in all the high talk about traditional medicine while performing for the
      public and then kicking it under the bus to embrace the “western medicine” he railed against,
      then to announce it was the combination of both-when the reality was neither worked for him.
      Always the exception, always the do as I say and not as I do. But I’m not blaming him for
      wanting to live-only the affectations.
      She also said that without Russell purifying himself by speaking the truth, coming clean, and
      seeking forgiveness, no cure existed for him-and when he announced he was she simply said no,
      and more to come-that maybe a second opportunity existed for him to do right but she did not
      believe he would, and instead he would linger for a time knowing no peace and none when he
      passed on.
      None of us escape accountability for our actions-something Banks, Crow Dog, and Clyde should be
      thinking about-but I suspect despite all they have to say their sentiments echo Graham’s when he
      said that “Indian shit” doesn’t work and they’ll learn soon enough all the lies they told, the
      things they did, and the titles they claim are what won’t work.
      So thanks for adding this reference to LBW’s blog regarding this and hopefully others will visit
      her site to read it in it’s entirety,hopefully as well LBW will post the email itself and if
      necessary X out addresses etc.
      In fact I intend to reblog it soon.

    • A grave oversight in my opinion Mary-and I couldn’t help but notice Iron Eyes took
      the opportunity to post yet another video featuring himself-like I said, I believe
      he’s been positioning himself to be in the mix and fill the vacancy.
      Maybe we’ll see another donations drive to erect a monument in the of midst pe sla.
      The “luminaries” quoted such as Crow Dog, Morris, Camp, and Peltier pretty much says
      it all for me. Surprised Churchill and Banks are missing.
      And Steele, his AIM homeboy, declares yet another Russell Means Day, how predictable
      is that?
      On another subject the great she cow Lizzie is attempting multiple comments again-the
      usual tripe.
      She failed to include her normal challenge of having the “guts’ to allow one of such
      infinite wisdom to comment so I’ve chosen to ignore her and instead she can continue
      wallowing in her own dung.

      • I believe Dennis Banks has commented. He is about 75, not in the best of health I understand and apparently travelled to see Russell Means in his last days. They go back a long way, I would think that he is not feelng like commenting very much. Ward Churchill had commented. I’m not sure whether you meant you are surprised the item left them or surprised they haven’t commented.

      • Isobel-and yet we see Banks has no difficulty travelling around when there is an
        appearance fee involved, doing interviews, or commenting when it serves his purpose.

      • Rezinate, I believe your point was that Dennis Banks hadn’t commented on Russell Means passing, or that he had and it wasn’t quoted. Not sure which you meant. My point was he had but that he probably isn’t saying much because as I said, they go back along way.

        Even AIMsters have feelings; whether you hate them or not,

      • Isobel-One thing I was initially struck by in your comments was that you were
        presenting them in a conversational tone minus the usual AIMINTELPRO
        disinformation and forgoing the favored words of hate and hater-which
        nowhere in the entirety of this blog will you find that I have said I
        hate anyone-if hate is the word to use then it should be I hate
        what has been done. Nothing changes that and nothing will.

      • No, I have to agree with you there. You don’t use the word ‘hate’ you just show ignorance, dishonesty, lack of interest in truth,you’re vitriolic and you are spiteful.

        But yep, I didn’t use thw word hate.

        However you have confirmed to me on another topic exactly what I thought; you shredRussell Means without having known him. And it was obvious you didn’t know him from what you wrote, but that didn’t stop you from tearing him apart.

        But yep,I didn’t use the word hate. ‘Bigot’ I think in your case might be appropriate, and certainoly ignorance, but I didn’t say hate.

      • Isobel-hate is a destructive emotion-something I make an effort not to
        entertain for that very reason.
        But I see now you would follow the predictable course of name calling
        when your version or opinions related to Russell or AIM are countered and
        find no agreement.
        As I said in another response to you, I knew Russell, but that doesn’t imply
        we spent time together or agreed about things-it was the knowing combined
        with all that is known that was enough for me not to seek his company.
        I think a “bigot” finds confirmation where and when they will as a matter
        of choice as you seem to be doing.
        If you would label me a bigot then I’ll confirm in that saying I am bigoted in
        my desire for the nations to succeed and prosper, to be secure in their persons
        and their homes.
        Bigoted in that I want our children to have good lives, proper nutrition
        and housing, to be happy and confident-I don’t want the poverty and misery
        they endure to be commodified to enrich anyone.

      • rezinate,why don’t you go out to a local store,get yourself a couple of planks of wood, some nails and pop back and crucify me.

        You’re doing a good job, writing what you do about the man who just died, but that would just be a quicker way of doing it.

        Or perhaps you just prefer the slower version of torturing someone mentallywho has lost someone they love just last week.

        You are such an expert though,not having known him,as you say,.

      • Isobel,
        Where exactly did I say I didn’t know Russell? I had spoken to him a handful
        of times and each time I came away feeling that he was an individual singularly
        impressed himself who would utilize any opportunity to mount a soapbox and
        turn issues to his advantage.
        I also found him to be unnecessarily loud and profane -neither life or
        death has altered that opinion.
        This blog has existed for two years, if you will look through it you will
        find that I have spoken often of Russell and his cronies often- I didn’t wait
        until his passing.
        I have no interest in crucifying you, even less in remaining silent at the
        crucifixion the nations have been subjected to at the hands of AIM.
        I’m not targeting you or your grief-this is my blog and you are coming here.
        If it is unsettling to you then exercise your right not visit it.
        Nowhere have I claimed to be an “expert” about anything, only a human being
        with a voice that I will use.

      • Where exactly did I say I didn’t know Russell? I had spoken to him a handful
        of times and each time I came away feeling that he was an individual singularly
        impressed himself who would utilize any opportunity to mount a soapbox and
        turn issues to his advantage.
        I also found him to be unnecessarily loud and profane -neither life or
        death has altered that opinion.
        This blog has existed for two years, if you will look through it you will
        find that I have spoken often of Russell and his cronies often- I didn’t wait
        until his passing.
        I have no interest in crucifying you, even less in remaining silent at the
        crucifixion the nations have been subjected to at the hands of AIM.
        I’m not targeting you or your grief-this is my blog and you are coming here.
        If it is unsettling to you then exercise your right not visit it.
        Nowhere have I claimed to be an “expert” about anything, only a human being
        with a voice that I will use.

        When I asked if you knew him on another topic your response that you didn’t send him greeting cards and no other reference to having contact with him, implied that you didn’t know him.

        There is a lot on here since his death which is sheer malice, people only too happy to accuse and then make statements about him personally – I could go back and find some to illustrate but don’t want to at the moment – which indicate lack of knowledge of how he thought.

        I should probably not have visited, especially not so soon after his death but I wasn’t expecting the level of vitriolic attack aimed at him, and having seen that, I am going to comment on it.

      • You’re beginning to sound somewhat like a person from the UK who
        has posted here in the past. Are you in fact from the UK Isobel?

      • rezinate, I only just saw your query from 1 Nov re being from UK and had referred to that yesterday on another comment, but as I said yes. No I have not posted here in the past, I only saw this site for the first time last week when someone drew it to my attention. But I wasn’t expecting the anti Russell items or wouldn’t have come here last week, it is extremely painful to see so soon after his death.

      • Isobel-I don’t think I know anyone who continues to do something
        they find painful, so it’s kind of a curiosity to me that you
        continue to follow the blog.

      • The reason I am continuing to follow the blog is because I wanted to put forward logical arguments against the conviction without trial but by blog of Russell Means for serious crimes, which apparently he is guilty of with no evidence or investigation, according to you.

        And yes it is painful, but the points are worth making.

  15. And you consider LBW’s a sound argument? First of all the Geffen/Clinton/Obama thing was featured in this national article and is common knowledge:
    Geffen has a lot of money but not enough to buy the presidency. Also, if he was such a big supporter of Leonard’s he would have lobbied for Clemency during his first term. So Harvey was probably just echoing what he heard in a national news story.
    And as far as the rest of it goes. Vote for Romney because he’s the anti-AIM /anti-Peltier candidate? How stupid and deluded. I know for one thing what Romney is and that’s the “Big Oil,” and “Big Coal,” candidate. So to block Peltier you’ll roll out the red carpet for the Pipeline, big oil and big coal? He said that the first thing that he’ll do as Pres will be to sanction the pipeline. So you’ll sacrifice the welfare of all those Natives that will be effected by the pipeline and coal just to block Peltier’s clemency? How sick and twisted. So do you think Romney would be a good “Indian Country,” president? He couldn’t give a fuck about Indian Country. He doesn’t even give a fuck about 47% of the citizens of the country. Think about all the further relocations that would be forthcoming if “take it in the ass from Big Oil/Coal,” becomes Pres. I’m sure the folks in Big Mountain will really appreciate that. But the big bad, 68 year old and ill Peltier will be thwarted from going back to Turtle Mountain to teach art and mentor children. Or to “play with his paints,” the way you put it. Say what you want to say about AIM but they did stand up against Uranium mining, Big Coal, Big Gold ect… So to stop AIM you’ll support the rape of mother earth? What about all the poisoned water from the drilling and fraking? You know what? I’m not going to vote for either one of them. I’m going to vote for the one that TRIMBACH himself anointed, “the true Steward of the Chanupa Wakan,” LBW herself. And then God help us all.

    • So, your point(?) is if something were featured elsewhere it shouldn’t
      be any place else- better tell your boys that.
      I support NOTHING detrimental to the people or the earth-which is
      one reason I don’t support AIM or any of your boys.
      As far as politicians go I support none of them either as I believe
      they are all cut from the same cloth and ultimately serve big biz
      first and foremost-so vote for whoever you like, in the end it
      won’t make much difference.
      In politics money talks and everything else walks-LBW’s topic
      relates to the reality of that-of course for you there’s always
      a way around such things when you think it serves a purpose.
      Also I don’t think you want to start a conversation with me about
      stupid and deluded.
      I’m not running for any office nor proclaiming myself to be anything other
      than a human being-apparently you have forgotten the prophet of matriarchy
      aka Chief Facilitator, and multiple other aliases, ran with Flynt of Hustler
      magazine, no doubt you overlook the deluded and stupid of that.How good
      would that have been for ndn country-how good would it have been for our
      women and children? How good was Russell’s association?
      And a word of warning-drop the F word and tell your pal Lizzie
      to do likewise.
      Anything AIM has stood up against has been a self serving for
      profit venture, so you need to save that for the uninformed.
      Now is it clear enough for you to understand, my positions on the
      earth, the people, and politicians or do I need to break it down into
      You’re a real “hater” aren’t you SB-clutching the pipe to your breast
      while typing all this were you?
      One more thing-if you want to get into which party is best and claim the Dems
      are consider this-Carter started the whole deregulation thing
      in deregulating the trucking and transportation industry-Clinton
      championed and signed into law Nafta and repealed Glass Stegall,
      and it is Obama who signed into law a Democratic authored version of the NDAA
      that allows the suspension of Habeas Corpus, so you need to take party banner
      waving elsewhere-regarldess of which banner you would wave.
      The last president to suspend Habeas Corpus was the Republican Lincoln
      during the Civil War-and which also in effect is the course he chose
      to authorize the largest mass execution in this countries history-which
      by the way was carried out upon indigenous people.
      FDR, a Democrat, may have as well either as a proclamation or a defacto
      act in the internment of the Japanese during WW2.
      As to the pipeline regardless of who is elected it will be approved because
      it is about money and corporate influence-in approving it the country will
      be told everything is being done to protect the environment and it is about
      job creation-the real kick in the pants about this is the oil pumped through
      it is designated for foreign markets -none of it for here, and an estimated
      seventy five percent of the jobs it will create will be temporary and
      construction related.

  16. “As far as politicians go I support none of them either as I believe
    they are all cut from the same cloth and ultimately serve big biz
    first and foremost-so vote for whoever you like, in the end it
    won’t make much difference.”

    For the most part I agree with this. I’m not registered either way. I believe as you say in the end “big biz,” wins cause Wall Street funds both candidates ect.. In this election Obama is slightly the lesser of the two evils, so if I vote, I’ll vote for him. But mostly because I think Romney and Ryan are Morons and scary. But I was essentially responding to LBW who said this:

    ” It will be most interesting to see how this political drama plays out, & if Peltier IS released-pardoned by Obama….before he leaves office.

    Which Obama looks like he will be, if the debate polls are accurate….after the Libya Embassy terrorist attack-Obama administration cover-up is exposed on Fox News Network becomes clearer, the attack upon our Embassy in Libya was known to be an act of terror… since emails for help, & drone surveilance proved it, beyond any doubt in real time.

    If Obama & his administration can lie so dramatically to the American public over & over again for weeks upon weeks with a cock & bull story the murders of 4 Americans resulted from an offensive to Muslims video…

    Anything is possible, & has been possible within our US Government for decades & decades despite our Forefathers best intentions when they wrote our Constitution.

    The hiding of the true corruption & abuse of power that goes on behind closed doors We the people, have absolutely no input or voice in….should be very unsettling to all honest, hardworking Americans right before we all need to make the most important decision in voting history….””

    Obviously she is making an endorsement for Romney, mainly to block Peltier. This is what I was arguing against.

    “You’re a real “hater” aren’t you SB-clutching the pipe to your breast

    while typing all this?”

    No I’m not. And that’s the main point. I’m not saying it on YOUTUBE or in the Hoover building either. Since when is having a critical argument “hate?” I never wished bad on anyone. Maybe a little name calling in fun but that has come from both sides here, hasn’t it? If you agree with LBW on this you’re entitled to your opinion.

    • The “electability” of any candidate were I to participate I don’t
      believe would hinge on a single issue-and I wouldn’t be surprised
      if Obama did grant a pardon to Peltier if he loses or at some future
      point if re-elected.
      I thought initially Obama had a huge vulnerability regarding re-election,
      but Romney as the opposition standard bearer is beyond retarded, despite
      what the polls might say as being essentially tied.
      Super pacs and the money spent during elections should clearly
      indicate to one an all it is little more than theater-an office
      that has been commodified.
      If that isn’t enough then out of control lobbying should be and SC
      related rulings as well.
      There is legislation introduced in Arizona promoting the idea that
      the state owns not only the Grand Canyon but all federal “public”
      lands,reservations as well, and all related resources, having the ability to
      open them up for development, mining, or any other profit making venture.
      This is THE fight people should coalesce behind for the impact it
      will have on indigenous people and the power it would give to a
      I can’t see it passing, or even if it does being upheld-but if
      so the stage is set for the next invasion.
      If Peltier makes it out in anyway other than a pine box he will be
      commodified by his own hands and that of AIM’s to a greater degree
      than he presently is.
      I in no way see him as any sort of mentor-if he wants to teach
      painting and live a quiet life fine by me-but I think you know as
      well as I he will be making the circuit promoting himself and
      raking in the money. No emphasis will be placed on “healing”.
      It will be about him just as it was with Russell, and is with Banks,
      Clyde, and Crow Dog. We don’t need anymore of that.
      As to voting for the lesser of evils I’ve never considered that to
      be a matter of free will choice-more that of coercion and the lack
      of a meaningful choice.
      It isn’t the “argument” SB but the choice of words and the nature
      in which they are used.

  17. “I’m of the opinion that a person, any person should not be compelled or find themselves in a position to explain anything about such a highly personal event as rape, I also think that anyone who attempts to twist such an event into some defense of a rapist or criminal organization lacks an understanding of even the most fundamental tenets of civility and are completely devoid of compassion.”

    Lizzie apparently suffering another episode of suppository over indulgence
    assumes in her twisted manner that this comment is meant to imply
    that a women can make any accusation they like and there is to be
    no accountability-when clearly the intent to any with an IQ above 10
    would be that it means a victim of rape shouldn’t have to explain
    or defend against looney tunes like Lizzie. Read the directions Lizzie,
    I think you’re only supposed to insert one per use.
    And yes Lizzie-much to your “Orgasmic Delight” I am in control of
    this blog, and yes Lizzie you’re not making it through-difficult to accept isn’t it?
    Maybe you need to resort to those childish school yards dares and double
    dares you favor-I always appreciate a laugh.

  18. Everyone has a right to their opinion of AIM, Russ and Dennis. However, Suzanne Dupree is not honest. She has lead you all a stray, equal to what many of you claim others have. No one is perfect but I promise you, she does not have a sacred pipe and no one recognizes her from her claims of Lakotah knowledge and or experience. I have spoken with many, even people who do not care for Russ and or any of the players she makes claims against. No one recalls her and find her claims less than credible and seriously, do you really believe Cannunpa was given to someone with an adopted Lakotah name who was raised off the rez ? That within itself is so ridiculous that I find every thing else she writes highly questionable. Please folks, do not play the mean girls game and bond of hate. Deal with real issues and real situations. I have searched files and looked at many places she claimed one could verify her words. They are falsehoods for fame and self importance.

    • I’m not sure how valid an argument is about being raised off rez when you consider
      Russell was raised in California (Compton?) and yet came back and claimed to be a
      “chief facilitator”
      who had the authority to unilaterally withdraw from treaties without tribal leadership
      support or approval, or an authority on matriarchy for that matter.
      Factor in the OST records that list him as White, Crow, and Nakota, and the mystery
      Furthermore I fail to see how a person like Crow Dog with his history could hold the
      position he claims to.
      These are “real” issues that should be dealt with-just as are the murders committed at
      WK2 by AIM, just as the murder of Annie Mae should be.
      But I suspect many of the people you have talked with would discount these as well.
      I appreciate the fact that you have taken the time to comment but something more than a
      mention of searching files would be helpful,like presenting links or directions for people
      to search, something I might add LBW seems to be very forthcoming about.
      This issue of pipes and who carries what will rage on as long as contentious factions exist,
      and may never be resolved-but I think it is important when differing claims exist that both
      sides present their case.
      As you know LBW has a blog site, a link to it exists in the main page under recommended sites,
      perhaps you would like to address the issue there with her and we could all follow along?
      As to our “claims” of others having led us astray I believe they are more than claims, and are
      in fact verifiable.
      As in Ray’s murder-fact, yet Russell and his cronies have denied even Ray’s presence.
      The murder of Annie Mae at the hands of AIM, fact-long denied and attributed to the “feds”.
      Now conditionally admitted to with the codicil that it wasn’t really their fault but due to
      Would you care to offer an opinion related to these? Would you characterize behavior such as
      this as playing a “mean” game?

    • I found it odd that she wrote above that AIM considered her father unworthy due to not being a full blood, when the AIM leadership were always upfront about being part white. I feel very unhappy reading these allegations about a man who has just died and is not here to answer, and it concerns me the distress it will cause his family if they see her comments.

      • Isobel- it may well cause a level of stress, but I doubt it is something they haven’t
        heard before, and I would ask what of the stress of AIM victims, the stress of Annie
        and Ray’s family-the stress of other women abused by AIM leadership and members?
        Many of which are alive and have issues to deal with on a daily basis.

      • Isobel, pray tell when Russ and the boys were honest about their heritage? Russell wasn’t even Lakota. And there’s still no evidence Leonard is on the Lakota register, as he claimed. I don’t like the way you say LBW isn’t honest. THAT sounds like one of AIM goons propaganda. I myself was told by Russell I wasn’t “good enough” because my mom was white, though her grandma was pure Cherokee and my dad was Blackfoot and Sioux. What about all of the families that have suffered for decades due to AIM and the AIM leadership? Just because Russell has died, they should be forgotten? Guess what, they were forgotten for years and this started before his death. he had no respect for life when he was apart of this world. And he had his chances to clear his soul way before his demise.

      • Nicole I don’t think I said LBW wasn’t honest in those words, what I said was that it seems strange that she chooses to talk publicly about this but didn’t attempt to bring a prosecution. I wasn’t aware she had made the allegations before, I don’t follow her blog as I wrote somewhere else. As she has said it before then why pick just after his death to say it again. However if someone makes an allegation like that it is fair to query certain aspects. For example she says she didn’t bring charges because her father would have been killed but she talked about it publicly.

  19. rezinate, I wish you no disrespect.I am going to take your advice and deal with Suzanne Durpree on her blog. Her story bothered me. He words do not ring true. I shall not comment on the rest of the conversations because I am not one of complete and full knowledge on these specific events. However, I do 100% believe that Suzanne Durpree has riddled tongue and if she really held such a sacred pipe and really walked in tradition and honor she would have bestowed it to a real Lakotah long ago. It has really caused me great sadness to read her words and to feel such angst.

    • I took no offense and intended none-if you were to see some of the comments I don’t permit,
      the language and insults, it might explain my show me approach.
      People attempt to post under different names, others seem incapable of providing a straight
      answer to the most of basic of questions, and then there is the occasional person like Lizzie
      who live and exist in a category all their own, and who I’m convinced is a sailor re the adage
      and her penchant of cussing like one.

  20. I Guess I do not understand what motivates someone to go to another person’s ‘blog’, wall, home, to argue.
    What motivates you Lizzie?
    Honest question not with malice.

  21. Just wanted to commend Stonefeather as she never fails to brush my intellect with the soft feather of perception while simultaneously gently cracking the stone of enlightenment over my head. All served up with a twist of her own unique humor, of course. The biscuits and tea was not lost on me.

  22. we do understand this one Isobel who makes the words to say she
    would know more of these people like this one Russell Means than
    we do. And we do not understand how it is these english ones so quick to
    say any the one not to agree is twisted and sick.
    Is this the way they speak to the ones in their land? Do they make to
    do the same many the man dos when the woman says this rape and say
    oh this can not be, may be this one tells the lie.
    we are the women and we know some who have been raped and do not
    speak for this,and some the long time later to say oh yes this has happened
    and then to speak loud. It is the silly thing to say all the women to speak and do
    the same.

    • M+J-it’s difficult for me to understand as well-people believe what they believe
      and when those beliefs are challenged sometimes they resort to name calling.
      We’re probably all guilty of that to some degree or another-but for some, and I’m
      not accusing Isobel of that, it’s their first choice, a part of their character.
      But you’re right in that two women from the UK have employed the same terminology,
      though I don’t believe that speaks to the way of all people from the UK.
      The UK is no different than any other nation-diversity of thought and behaviour
      exists and they struggle with the common issues of economy, personal financial
      issues, declining neighborhoods, infrastructure, and a less than responsive government.
      It is silly as you say to expect women to speak and act uniformly.

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